Posted By:
Fri May 31st, 19
Broome is a town of contrasts. There is the contrast between the red pindan and the turquoise waters, between Cable Beach and Town Beach and between old Broome and new Broome. Then there is the contrast between the two seasons, the wet and the dry.
Posted By:
Sat Jun 8th, 19
Broome people have a friendly rivalry with Derby people for many reasons. They think we stole their Boab trees and they have established an imaginary boundary just west of the Fitzroy River. According to them, anything south-west of that boundary is in the Pilbara. They’re funny that Derby mob! Australia is renowned for great rivalries.
Posted By:
Wed Jun 12th, 19
“When are the whales due here” I ask. “They’ll be here on July 1” said the young woman confidently. I had no idea whales were so punctual, and doubt that they are. The young woman was talking about when their whale watching tours started but I enjoyed imagining all the whales arriving on the same day.
Posted By:
Sat Jan 26th, 19
Cyclones are no laughing matter, as they pose a serious risk to life and property. However as they build in intensity from tropical lows to full blown cyclones they also pose a serious opportunity for Broome's Cylcone Surfers.